The world of skydiving near Berlin
TAKE OFF is a professional skydiving school with full-time tandem pilots, skydiving instructors and parachute technicians, state-of-the-art equipment and certainly one of the best infrastructures available in Germany for a skydiving centre.
At TAKE OFF, everything revolves around freefall. As the only skydiving centre in Germany, TAKE OFF offers all areas of skydiving. This includes tandem jumps, parachute courses, sport jumping, parachute trade and maintenance, as well as the production of parachute sportswear (via rainbow Design).
Our Newsletter
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Skydiving is our passion - for 25 years
With up to 20,000 jumps per year, TAKE OFF is one of the five largest skydiving companies in Germany. This includes approx. 3,000 tandem jumps per year and approx. 150 course participants for first-time skydivers.
Our partners, instructors and tandem pilots have very high jump numbers, usually ranging from 2,000 to over 10,000 jumps. Some of them are regular participants in international world record jumps in formation and canopy formation jumping. They therefore enjoy a very good reputation as experts within the sport of skydiving.
As a parachute technical company for the field of air sports equipment, TAKE OFF has two full-time parachute technicians and is also the largest maintenance company for parachutes for the Berlin/Brandenburg area.
Our Offer
Skydiving for beginners and professionals
Our skydiving services are aimed at recreational skydivers and sport jumpers. As a skydiving centre, we employ a number of experienced tandem pilots and skydivers and offer the following services:
- Tandem skydiving
- Training courses in skydiving for beginners
- Training of future skydiving instructors and tandem pilots
- Advanced training and coaching of licensed skydivers
- Various further education and training courses
- Skydiving competitions
- Group celebrations
- Team events
Workshop, sewing and professional equipment
In addition to the daily skydiving operations, TAKE OFF runs additional services in the field of skydiving equipment and maintenance.
- Maintenance and repair of parachute systems (rigging) in our in-house workshop
- Manufacture of skydiving clothing in our own sewing shop (rainbowsuits.com)
- Sale of skydiving accessories in our Online Shop & on site
- in Fehrbellin -
rainbow design
With the company rainbow design, TAKE OFF has Germany's largest manufacturer of special clothing for skydiving, such as skydiving suits or wingsuits. The clothing company, acquired by TAKE OFF in 1995, is Germany's largest supplier of clothing for parachuting, with orders from the civilian and military sectors.
Air Lift GmbH
Air Lift GmbH, which also belongs to TAKE OFF, is the operating company of the in-house aircraft - the 18-seater Cessna Grand Caravan D-FUMP. The small company was acquired by TAKE OFF in 1999 to ensure professional flight operations for skydiving.
Airfield Fehrbellin
TAKE OFF is located on a small sports airfield in Fehrbellin in the Ruppiner Land. Since 2002, the area has been expanded piece by piece with an asphalted runway, a tower, various aircraft hangars, gastronomy, a flight school, a parachute school and a ready-made clothing business.
At the airfield, Eric's restaurant will also cater for the physical well-being. Drinks and all kinds of tasty treats await skydiving guests and spectators.
Our Team
Strong team
A skydiving centre can be as beautiful as it is - without a strong team it is nothing. It's a bit unbelievable, but in order to keep our jumping centre running with all its services and necessities throughout the year, it takes a team of almost 60 people.
They range from full-time employees with many years of service, seasonal full-time teachers and tandem pilots to part-time parachute packers.
Our team is cosmopolitan and has been to many dropzones world wide. Of course, we have English as a general foreign language in our portfolio for our foreign guests and all those who wish to speak so.
Explanations of the areas of responsibility
Instructor - has the licence to train parachutists according to the conventional method
AFF-Instructor - has the additional licence to train parachutists according to the AFF-method
Parachute Technician - has the licence to repair and maintain parachute systems
Parachute Maintainer - holds the licence to pack reserve parachutes and carry out minor repairs
Tandem Examiner - licensed to train tandem pilots
FAA-Senior-Rigger - has the licence to repair and maintain parachute systems according to American law
- Over 12,300 jumps
- Co-owner of TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport GmbH
- Co-owner rainbow design GmbH
- Tandem Pilot & Tandem Examiner
- AFF Instructor
- Over 1,500 jumps
- Managing director at TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport GmbH
- Co-owner of rainbow design GmbH
- Over 9.000 jumps
- Tandem pilot
- AFF-Instructor
- Parachute technician
- FAA-Senior-Rigger
- Commercial Pilot
- Over 5,100 jumps
- Tandem pilot
- AFF Instructor
- Parachute technician
- Over 7,500 jumps
- Tandem pilot
- AFF Instructor
- Parachute technician
- Paraglider
- Over 4,000 jumps
- Tandem pilot
- AFF Instructor
- Video man
- Canopy Piloting
- Freeflying
- Over 1,200 jumps
- Tandem pilot
- AFF Instructor
- Video man
- Over 5,900 jumps
- Tandem pilot
- AFF Instructor
- Videoflyer
- Over 5,000 jumps
- Video man
- AFF Instructor
- Canopy Piloting
- over 1.900 jumps
- RW coach
- Team coach for RW, also in the wind tunnel
- Video flyer
- Over 950 jumps
- 20 tunnel hours
- FreeFly Coach
- Video man
- Vice President TOF e.V.
- Over 1000 jumps
- Jump Instructor & Wingsuit Instructor
- Over 4,000 jumps, including 1,100 wingsuit jumps.
- Otherwise he flies a Boeing or an Airbus as a pilot.
- Over 600 jumps
- Jump instructor & wingsuit instructor
- Parachute warden of the examiner association
The TAKE OFF company history
Our history at a glance
Foundation of TAKE OFF Skydiving as a sole proprietorship
713 jumps in the first year
Chartering of the new aircraft "Pilatus Porter" for up to 10 jumpers
Foundation of TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport GmbH
Purchase of the manufacturer of skydiving clothing rainbow Design
Licensing as a parachute technical company
Purchase of the first own aircraft - the Cessna Grand Caravan C 208B (nickname "FUMP")
Purchase of the aviation company Air Lift GmbH
Spin-off of rainbow Design as an independent GmbH (limited liability company)
Construction of new buildings and creation of a completely new infrastructure with guest area, administration, sanitary facilities, workshops, hangar and camping site
New turbine for our FUMP with a powerful 900 hp
Strong development: TAKE OFF now achieves almost 20,000 jumps per year
Expansion of the workshop area
Construction of a new tandem centre
Acquisition of the bistro "airbase
Foundation 1992
TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport was founded in 1992 as a sole proprietorship and consisted of 1 full-time instructor (the owner), 1-2 freelancers, approx. 5 parachutes, a caravan - and, due to the lack of an existing telephone line, a "mobile" C-network telephone weighing approx. 3 kg - and off we went.
At that time, the airfield consisted of a narrow, short runway made of concrete slabs and two caravans - the left caravan was the flight school and tower - the right caravan was the parachute school. We jumped out of an old AN2 - the world's largest biplane with a huge 9-cylinder radial engine, 1,000 hp and 30 litres capacity. It took us a good half hour to reach 2,500 metres, with a roar that felt like it reached all the way to the national border. We achieved a total of 713 jumps in the first year. Today, this is often the number of a single week.
Expanding the infrastructure & increasing the number of jumps
The next important step was the chartering of a Pilatus Porter, a modern turboprop aircraft for up to 10 jumpers. Now they could finally reach the world's standard sport jumping altitude of 4,000 metres in just 18 minutes. In addition, a container facility for the schools' offices, a tower, catering facilities and, instead of green plastic containers at the roadside, proper toilets and showers were now built on the airfield - a previously unknown luxury. The number of jumps promptly increased from 713 in the first year to 6,200 in the second and 9,300 in the third year.
Foundation of TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport GmbH 1995
In the winter of 94/95, the owner Ralf Heine and the three previous employees Maggy Nagel, Jürgen Mühling and Uwe Reichert joined forces to form TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport GmbH. At the same time, at the beginning of 1995, the GmbH acquired rainbow Design, a ready-made parachute company specialising in the parachute sports sector, and moved it from West Germany to another container facility at the Fehrbellin airfield.
Approval as a technical parachute company
After approval as a technical parachute company at the beginning of 1996, two parachute technicians/class 5 examiners were employed and trained.
From 1992 to the end of 1998, aircraft from other owners were chartered to carry out the jumping operations. At the beginning of 1999, the GmbH finally invested in its own modern turbo-prop aircraft for 18 passengers (Cessna Grand Caravan C 208B / 1.2 million EUR / registration number D-FUMP). In this context, the small aviation company Air Lift GmbH was acquired to operate the aircraft.
We are bursting at the seams
At the time, the container house was only intended as a provisional solution. But as it is with provisional arrangements. TAKE OFF continued to grow, and the number of guests at the airfield also increased steadily. The rainbow Design clothing company was also doing well and had in the meantime moved to the Fehrbellin industrial estate in order to be able to work properly. Slowly, the hut threatened to literally collapse on us. Something for which the one or other party was certainly not blameless. The increasingly less discreet notices from the building authorities also made it clear: it was really time for a new building of our own!
More space and a new building
The airfield itself was also no longer able to cope with the significant growth in flight operations, with over 11,000 landings in some cases, with its makeshift runway geared only to agricultural flights. And so it was time to get down to business: a clean commercial airfield with a good infrastructure for business and sports flying was needed. Part of the airfield concept was to sell land to interested companies so that they could then erect their own buildings there.
After completely rebuilding the airfield and demolishing the old buildings, TAKE OFF invested in its own new infrastructure in 2005. On 10,000 m² acquired from the airfield, a service building for the guests' stay, administration, workshops and sanitary facilities (541 m²), a hangar for training purposes, for packing parachutes and storing our aircraft (467 m²) and a camping site with 36 pitches were built. About 950,000 EUR were invested.
Spin-off of rainbow Design GmbH
In 2004 the production of special clothing was spun off from TAKE OFF Skydiving and merged into rainbow Design as an independent limited company.
- With approx. 20,000 jumps per year, TAKE OFF is one of the five largest skydiving companies in Germany. This includes approx. 3,000 tandem jumps per year and approx. 150 course participants for first-time skydivers.
- The clothing company, which was acquired in 1995, is the largest supplier of special clothing for skydiving in Germany, with orders from the civilian and military sectors.
- Partners, instructors and tandem pilots have very high jump numbers, usually ranging from 2,000 to over 9,000 jumps, and some are regular participants in international world record jumps in formation and canopy formation jumping. They therefore enjoy good acceptance within the sport of skydiving.
- Co-partner and training manager Jürgen Mühling is a member of the DFV training working group. Under his leadership, the German training guidelines were completely revised in 1999/2000 and a new training manual was produced.
- As a technical aviation company for the field of air sports equipment, TAKE OFF has two class 5 examiners and is the largest maintenance company for the Berlin/Brandenburg area.
New turbine for our FUMP aircraft
In 2012 our aircraft received a new turbine - from Pratt & Whitney PT6A-114A (675hp) we upgraded to a Honeywell TPE 331-12JR (900hp) - also known as Supervan 900.
New tandem centre in 2016 & purchase of the "airbase" bistro
In 2016, our focus was on expansion and extension. There is now a packing area for our tandem jumpers. In this new tandem centre there is enough space for the briefing and dressing of our tandem guests. Furthermore, we have extended the workshop area and we have bought the bistro "airbase", which is located directly on the premises. So we can now offer our visitors delicious food.
Association TAKE OFF Skydiving Fehrbellin e.V.
We also exist as a registered club. Our licensed skydivers love and live a lively club life with competitions and of course the odd party. More about TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport e.V.