TAKE OFF - Infoticker

We at TAKE OFF also want to live up to our responsibility and help prevent the spread of the virus. We are keeping a close eye on the current development and "driving on sight". On this page we will inform you about the current status here at the jumping field in Fehrbellin.

Stay tuned, stay healthy,

Your TAKE OFF team

News 03.04.2022

Hello Fehrbellin Community & Friends, dear guests,

as of today, outdoor activities are no longer subject to SARS-CoV-2 restrictions.

However, as a precautionary measure, flying together in an airplane is still subject to the mask requirement (MNB) for a transitional period.

If in doubt, a COVID-19 self-test can still be performed to rule out possible Corona infectivity. Tests can be purchased on site or you can bring your own test.


Let's go skydiving, cause...

Yours TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport Team