TAKE OFF Fehrbellin - Your nature-airea-experience
ecological - sustainable - fair
For us, skydiving is still the most fascinating sport we can imagine. And so we work every day to make this incomparable experience possible for everyone who wants to get to know it: whether as a tandem or sport jumper.
It goes without saying that we meet all the legal requirements and usually fall well below the limits set for this purpose - but we do a lot more...
First and foremost, we have always promoted local ecosystems and intervene as little as possible in local nature. Our landing field is deliberately laid out as a fallow meadow for the local bee and insect populations, which use it actively. The forest associated with the airfield has been left natural by us for decades and should remain so, precisely because we have a heart for nature and wildlife in addition to our passion for sport.
Natural forest - for functioning ecosystems
Carbon footprint
Our jump plane has had a noise certificate right from the start and brings our jumpers quickly and safely to the designated jump height.
In the meantime, we have also been able to achieve a significant reduction in per capita emissions thanks to an optimised engine.
This is not only due to the improved efficiency, but also to the higher loading capacity per flight.
These are two important steps towards a responsible approach to climate protection on the part of the company.
On the other hand, we do not believe in buying or trading CO² emission certificates, but prefer to live up to our responsibility right here on site, where we live.
That's why we mainly use green electricity in our buildings, and in the near future we want to offer our visitors additional charging points for corresponding e-vehicles and invest in photovoltaics.
Emission reduced & with noise certificate
Fair, durable, sustainable
Meanwhile, we produce our skydiving overalls ourselves and under fair conditions (see also www.rainbowsuits.com). Everything here is durable and sustainably organised.
The parachutes we use are also designed to last for many years and to be reused 1000 times and are maintained in the local workshop. All this keeps delivery routes ultra-short and has a positive effect on our emissions and climate balance.
Our parachutes - designed for 1000-fold reuse
Socially committed
We also make a lot of things possible for our fellow human beings through our social commitment. Especially in the sector of inclusion, we have a special heart for people who are physically limited by birth, accident or illness.
For this very reason, we have developed a specially specialised tandem handicap system together with the TU Dresden. And even if the requirements at this point are of a very special nature, the accompanying emotions of the players as a reward are always indescribable for us.
Our Tandem Handicap System
TAKE OFF Fehrbellin - Your Nature-Airea-Experience
We are happy to serve you as a scenic recreation area and as an excursion destination with a nature-air experience.
We look forward to your visit here in the countryside.
Your TAKE OFF Team